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What is a doable DMO?

Time management…

There are endless amounts of books and trainings on the subject.

And while time management tips are very helpful… we all know you can’t really manage time…

You’ll never get more than 24 hours in 1 day…

However, the way you feel about how you manage your time can affect the way you show up in your business and your personal life.

My daily method of operation has changed several times and yours will as well as your business grows.

But first things first….

Create a network marketing daily schedule that you can commit to

The first 60 minutes of my day I’m focusing on only money making activities like adding 3-5 new people to my list.

Then I work on doing a curiosity post on Facebook that gets people engaged and messaging me.

I recommend being a product of the product and showing yourself either taking your products if their consumables in your stories or showing the benefits of the solution you’re offering to the person with which you are marketing. Finally tieing it up with a pretty poll to capture warm market leads.

How many story polls should you do a day? How big are your goals? Remember that your Instagram and Facebook stories should look like a reality TV show.. Live life in between while marketing in your stories. Let’s us get to know you.

Instagram is a different animal than Facebook. 1 to 3 shareable posts such as quotes surrounding your theme or mission. Who were you before you found network marketing and what solution did your product or service provide you?

Remember, you are marketing to the people living in the season of your life. They are who you should be offering a solution to each day. The more authentic and vunerable you are, the more you will build a brand that is an original. And when you build that, they will come.

Should you do short form video like Reels and TikTok? Heck yes! If you’re not, you’re leaving money on the table and so is your team.

1 TikTok and 1 Reel each day.

And then in the evening I also block out 60 minutes for my income producing activities.

How to stay committed to your network marketing daily schedule

Here’s what I recommend:

✔Wear your trench hat so your family knows it’s go time. Visuals are important!

✔Put a sign on your door that say’s do not interrupt

✔Do whatever you gotta do to make sure

you don’t get interrupted

And the only thing you’re doing during these 60 minutes is exactly what’s on your list.

Here’s what you are NOT doing:

✔Watching funny cat videos

✔Listening to training

✔Reading a book

Your network marketing daily schedule helps you be pro-active instead of reactive

When I’m working my business I’m not like a TikTok scroller type of girl.

I don’t move on demand with my team and I don’t sit around all day long waiting to see if people reply to my post or messages.

I do my morning activities on social media and I move on with my day.

But I will come back later in the evening to check if anyone’s replied or to follow up with anyone that’s commented on my posts.

Your network marketing daily schedule when life is hectic, or you have a job

It can be challenging to build your business on the side when you have a job or you’re raising a family.

That type of demand requires commitment and focus so you can later have the freedom and time that you desire.

Use your timer. It will keep you focused.

Network Marketing Daily Schedule – In closing

Adding more work to an already busy day seems counter-intuitive.

But it really is just a temporary sacrifice that you’re making in order to live a better life with more freedom and time built into it.

It will be hard but I can promise you it will be worth it.


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